Legal notice
In compliance with the duty of information contained in article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, below we reflect the following data: SINGULAB ARQUITECTURA E INGENIERÍA SLP, and address Prosecutor in Calle Jaén, 6 - Málaga Nostrum Commercial Park, 29004 MÁLAGA (SPAIN). Considering this address as your postal and contact address for any communication.
Our corporate purpose is to offer architectural and engineering services.
We inform you that access and use of this website are subject to this Legal Notice. And that the mere access and use of this Web gives you the status of User.
We reserve the right to make changes to the website without prior notice, in order to update, correct, modify, add or delete the contents, products and / or services included therein. Therefore, the conditions and terms set out in this section may vary at any time.
Therefore, we invite you to review this text and, in case you do not agree with what is stated here, desist from using this website.
In the event that we make any modification to this website, these modifications will be applicable from the moment they are available to Users and therefore be public.
As a User, you expressly oblige yourself to access and use our website in a diligent and correct manner, respecting the following rules and assuming any responsibility that may arise from the breach of them.
You force yourself not to falsify your identity by posing as another person.
You acknowledge and agree that the use of the website will be made for strictly personal, private and private purposes.
It is expressly prohibited that you authorize to third parties the total or partial use of the Web or that you introduce or incorporate as an own business activity the contents, products and / or services of our Web page.
You agree not to use our website, nor its contents, products and / or services, for the realization of activities contrary to the Law, morality, good customs or public order and, for illegal purposes or effects, prohibited or harmful to rights and interests of third parties.
You are obliged to refrain from disseminating, storing and / or managing the contents, products and / or services hosted on our website and that are likely to infringe rights of third parties or any regulations governing rights of a civil, criminal, administrative or any other nature other nature.
Industrial and intellectual property rights over the contents of the Web page (images, information, messages, graphics, drawings, sound and / or image files, photographs, recordings, texts, videos or others that are contained or could be contained) , correspond exclusively to SINGULAB, unless expressly stated otherwise.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, you may use or share any of the contents that exist on our Website, making an express mention of the source and linking to the initial page or to the specific page where the shared content is located. If this is breached, we will be empowered to bring the relevant legal actions.
Our contents are under Creative Commons license with the following considerations:
SINGULAB by is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Spain (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 ES)
This adopted license allows you as a User to share, copy and redistribute the material we offer on our Website, in any medium or format, provided that:
Properly recognize our authorship.
Provide a link to the home page and the license.
Provided you do not use the material for a commercial purpose.
If you remix, transform or create from the material, you cannot spread the modified material in any medium.
This license is only applicable to the contents of SINGULAB.
The texts, documents, images, videos, sounds, photographs or other content disseminated through our website and whose authorship belongs to third parties or companies, may not be distributed under any circumstances without permission. The intellectual property corresponds in such cases to the legal authors of said contents. Consequently, it should be understood that only the content specified here is expressly and unequivocally attributed to SINGULAB.
On the other hand, references to trademarks, registered trade names or registered signs, logos or other distinctive signs, whether owned by SINGULAB or third parties, implicitly prohibit their use without the consent of SINGULAB or its legitimate owners. .
Therefore, unless expressly stated, the access or use of our website does not give you, as a User, any rights over the brands, logos and / or distinctive signs included therein, so if you wish to use them, you must request Excuse me.
We are not responsible for any of the information, sale of online products, opinions and concepts that are issued, published, sold or distributed through any interconnected Web page and accessed through our Web page through links.
The establishment of the link does not necessarily imply the existence of any relationship between our company and the owner of the linked website, nor the acceptance and approval by us of the content, products and / or services that it stores, being its owner the only one responsible for them.
Therefore, we advise you to exercise caution in the assessment and use of the information, content and / or services existing in the portals linked through our website.
In addition, we are not responsible for the misuse that is made of the content hosted on the linked website, being the sole responsibility of the person who accesses or uses them.
In this sense, if you have effective knowledge of the illegality of activities carried out through these third-party Web pages, we would be grateful if you let us know immediately so that we can disable the access link to it.
We reserve the right to deny or withdraw access to the content hosted on our website without prior notice, at your own request or from a third party, to those Users who violate this Legal Notice.
As a User, you are aware and voluntarily accept that the use of our website and its content takes place under your sole responsibility. Therefore, and unless the Law expressly imposes otherwise, and only to the extent and extent that imposes it, we do not guarantee or assume any responsibility for the access and use of the website.
We will pursue the breach of this Legal Notice, and we will exercise all civil, criminal and administrative actions that may correspond to us by law.
Just as we respect and protect the privacy of our Users, and the Industrial and Intellectual Property of third parties, we request the same respect.
In case you consider that there are facts and / or circumstances that reveal the illicit nature of the use of any content, product or any other circumstance contained in this website and that reveal or may reveal the illegal nature of them, we would appreciate that Contact us at the following email address:
In the email you send us you must define the alleged illegal activity, describing precisely and concretely the protected contents as well as their exact location. After this, we will take the appropriate measures to prevent the occurrence of the notified infractions.
If any clause of this Legal Notice or of our Privacy Policy, is declared null or void, in whole or in part, by any Court, the remaining stipulations will remain valid.
The applicable law in case of dispute or conflict of interpretation of the terms that make up this Legal Notice, as well as any matter related to the products, services and / or contents hosted on this website will be Spanish law.