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Privacy policy

In order to guarantee and protect the privacy and confidentiality of your personal data and in order to protect your privacy and privacy, we have drafted this Privacy Policy, which will apply to all automated and non-automated files for which you are responsible and holder SINGULAB ARQUITECTURA E INGENIERÍA SLP, and that have been duly registered in the General Registry of the Spanish Agency for Data Protection.


The terms set forth below and especially the duty of confidentiality, will be mandatory for all personnel hired by our company, as well as all those third parties who under the contract and / or express authorization have access to personal data .


We reserve the right to modify the content of this Privacy Policy, in order to adapt it to legislative or jurisprudential developments, as well as to the reports and opinions issued by the Spanish Agency for Data Protection, so we advise you to If you go back to our website, read this section again.

In case we are going to use your data, in a different way from that established in the Privacy Policy in force at the time you provide us with your data, we will make every effort to contact you, through the data you have provided us. And in case of not finding you, we will not use them if we do not have your permission.










We collect personal information when you fill in the mandatory fields included in the contact form available on our website.

Through this form you provide us with your data and you consent to the treatment of them according to the purposes indicated below.

Specifically, we receive the data in an email and we treat it only for the purpose of being able to contact you directly and answer your question. Moreover, if you do not provide us with this information we will not be able to answer your question.

On the other hand, you as a User, guarantee us and assure the veracity and authenticity of the data provided in the form. Any false or inaccurate manifestation that occurs as a result of the information and data provided will be your responsibility.

Keep in mind that whenever you provide personal information online (for example, via email or through the Internet), the information can be collected and used by others. Therefore, we cannot be responsible for the information that may be collected, stored and / or processed by an unauthorized third party. Now, we have arranged all the security measures at our disposal to prevent this from happening:


Web encrypted with SHA-1 algorithm and RSA encryption.

Dynamic tokens to prevent CSRF attacks

Code protected with iThemes Security and Theme Authenticity Checker to prevent brute force attacks and malicious code injection.

High password security policy: These passwords have a minimum length of 16 characters and include multiple cases of upper and lower case characters, digits and special symbols.





The purposes of the collection and processing of personal data, will be to contact you directly and resolve your query.





The data that you provide through our Website will not be transferred to third parties except those data that you provide in case of requesting information on the implementation of the data protection regulations or the audit of your website to regulations such as the LSSI, Consumers and Users Law, etc.





We work with the Google Apps for Work business tools management platform. This platform belongs to Google Inc., a company located in the US and with servers in that country.

With the acceptance of this Privacy Policy and with the hiring of our services you expressly and unequivocally consent to the international transfer of data to said country, in order to be able to contact you and send you information to comply with the provision of the contracted service.

Basically through Google Apps, we send emails.

If you do not consent to this international data transfer, it will be difficult for us to send you emails; In any case, if you wish to express your refusal, contact us.




If you wish, you can exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition. You just have to request it by any means that records that you have exercised them and that we have received it and clearly express your wish. You must accompany your application with one of your ID and as many documents as necessary to prove your identity, as well as the reasons that justify the exercise of your right.

To do this, you can contact us on our contact page.





We have adopted all technical and organizational security measures that are mandatory in accordance with the provisions of current legislation, in order to ensure maximum security and confidentiality of communications and avoid alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access of the personal data provided to us, in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 1720/2007, of December 21, which approves the Regulations for the development of Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on Protection of Personal Data.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, you acknowledge and agree that Internet security measures are not impregnable and that the networks used on the Internet are not 100% secure, so that any communication sent by this means can be intercepted or modified by people not authorized.

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